2019-3-15 11:55:1
超过30家航空与我司打板,固定舱位,通达世界各地近500个国际机场。其中欧洲(近200个机场) 美国加拿大(近130个机场) 亚洲/澳洲(近80个机场) 非洲(近50个机场) 中南美(近50个机场)。
(3)去中东21个国家,Aramex快递比DHL更快,价格更低,清关更强;Hecny pioneered in the development of computerized systems that satisfies the demand of information in our industry with our logistics team. Nowadays, over hundreds of millions have been invested on IT services from the Mainframe system to various platforms to support the Private Cloud infrastructure we established in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Los Angeles. Hecny also keeps up with the digital trends and dedicates on IT-focused business development to offer Information, Communication and Technology Support for internal and external end-users to allow quick and secure access to shipment information.
In the 21st Century, traditional logistics services can no longer meet the unique needs of customers. Therefore, in high demand is personalized logistics management that offers a broad portfolio to cargo, information and cash flow management in a secure and controllable environment. Thanks to the close relationship established with airlines and ocean liners, we also provide flexible customer-oriented solutions during both slack and peak seasons of the year, in term of schedule and cost.
Last but not least, our mission “Simple Solutions for a Complex World” guides our way in this challenging industry of freight forwarding and logistics management. We do not only establish sophisticated logistics networks, but also invest in both hardware and software to generate integrated business models for each and every customer and partner, enabling us to rank one of the top 10 companies importing cargoes to USA, an acknowledgement as a boutique provider in the global logistics industry.
公司依托华南第一大港---深圳港,面向整个华南地区,幅射全球各大港口。长宏国际主要经营国际海洋运输,航空运输,铁路运输和公路运输等。公司承办集装箱多式联运、冷冻柜、特种柜、货物转口运输、货物集散、国际铁路联运、快捷空运、快递到门、相关单证、报关报检、内陆拖车,保税仓储、货物保险、船舶管理、散货租船、项目运输、货运咨询、代收信用证、贸易咨询等各种运输形式专业服务及第三方物流解决方案。公司经营网络遍及全球,在广州、香港、深圳、上海、宁波、厦门、天津、青岛、迪拜、巴生等地设有口岸公司, 在全球100多个国家港口、机场有海外代理200多家。
超过30家航空与我司打板,固定舱位,通达世界各地近500个国际机场。其中欧洲(近200个机场) 美国加拿大(近130个机场) 亚洲/澳洲(近80个机场) 非洲(近50个机场) 中南美(近50个机场)。
(3)去中东21个国家,Aramex快递比DHL更快,价格更低,清关更强;Hecny pioneered in the development of computerized systems that satisfies the demand of information in our industry with our logistics team. Nowadays, over hundreds of millions have been invested on IT services from the Mainframe system to various platforms to support the Private Cloud infrastructure we established in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Los Angeles. Hecny also keeps up with the digital trends and dedicates on IT-focused business development to offer Information, Communication and Technology Support for internal and external end-users to allow quick and secure access to shipment information.
In the 21st Century, traditional logistics services can no longer meet the unique needs of customers. Therefore, in high demand is personalized logistics management that offers a broad portfolio to cargo, information and cash flow management in a secure and controllable environment. Thanks to the close relationship established with airlines and ocean liners, we also provide flexible customer-oriented solutions during both slack and peak seasons of the year, in term of schedule and cost.
Last but not least, our mission “Simple Solutions for a Complex World” guides our way in this challenging industry of freight forwarding and logistics management. We do not only establish sophisticated logistics networks, but also invest in both hardware and software to generate integrated business models for each and every customer and partner, enabling us to rank one of the top 10 companies importing cargoes to USA, an acknowledgement as a boutique provider in the global logistics industry.
公司依托华南第一大港---深圳港,面向整个华南地区,幅射全球各大港口。长宏国际主要经营国际海洋运输,航空运输,铁路运输和公路运输等。公司承办集装箱多式联运、冷冻柜、特种柜、货物转口运输、货物集散、国际铁路联运、快捷空运、快递到门、相关单证、报关报检、内陆拖车,保税仓储、货物保险、船舶管理、散货租船、项目运输、货运咨询、代收信用证、贸易咨询等各种运输形式专业服务及第三方物流解决方案。公司经营网络遍及全球,在广州、香港、深圳、上海、宁波、厦门、天津、青岛、迪拜、巴生等地设有口岸公司, 在全球100多个国家港口、机场有海外代理200多家。